Sunday, September 9, 2012

NOTAM 091012

Aviation High School
10 September 2012


Monday:         Science Olympiad information session 8:00-8:45 a.m. – Rm 6
Freshmen Class Captain Information Meeting
                        Room 22 during lunch

Tuesday:        Science Olympiad information session 8:00-8:45 a.m. – Rm 6
Ultimate Frisbee 3:45 – 5:45
                        Robotics Team Meeting 6:00-8:00 p.m.—Room 7

Wednesday:  VIPs on Campus, 12:30-3:30 p.m. (Meeting Focus: Impending pilot shortage)
Science Olympiad information session 8:00-8:45 a.m. – Rm 6
Speech & Debate information session 3:35 - 5:00 p.m. – Rm 4
Ultimate Frisbee 3:45 – 5:45: First HOME game against Eastside Catholic--varisty boys and coed teams will compete.
Thursday:      Science Olympiad information session 8:00-8:45 a.m. – Rm 6
Ultimate Frisbee 3:45 – 5:45
                        Robotics Team Meeting 6:00-8:00 p.m.—Room 7

Friday:                        SPIRIT SHACK during lunch in the cafeteria
                        2:00 Dismissal – Staff Meeting

Principal’s Message:
If you haven’t yet had an opportunity to check out the bulletin board in the hallway outside of the Main Office that welcomes our freshmen, I encourage you to do so.  Over two-thirds of our freshmen indicated in their application and interview that they aspire to pursue some type of education and career pathway in engineering.  Pilots, scientists, and technology innovators make up the remaining choices.  Go, freshmen!  The STEM workforce needs you!  (Special thanks to Eben Schumann and his mother, Leslie, for creating the bulletin board!)

I like the tone I’m hearing and the energy I’m feeling this year as I observe you in classes, hallways, and during activities.  Respect is one of our core values at AHS, and it may well be the Number One factor in maintaining a positive school culture.  Thank you for doing your part in ensuring that our learning community is one in which everyone feels valued.

The spirit of each class was definitely felt last Friday on our first Spirit Day!  While I had some reservations about the juniors being able to generate a significant amount of spirit attired in black, I should have worried not.  The Class of 2014 shirts made them quite noticeable among the red, yellow, and white.  I congratulate all classes for demonstrating your Phoenix spirit!  It was evident and appreciated!

The Evening of Learning (our version of open house) invitations were mailed last week, so hopefully they have reached the homes of all students and parents.  If you have not received one by Tuesday of this week, please notify Pam in the Main Office.  The date is September 25, and our goal is 100% turnout of parents/guardians.  Students: Unless you have been asked by a teacher to assist that evening, we ask that you not attend.  Your parents will be attending your classes (be sure to fill out your schedule on the invitation) that evening, and we simply don’t have enough room for you and your parents.  Take joy in the fact that your parents will be the students that evening!

Congratulations, Gordon Salemann, on earning your Eagle Scout!  Reports are that Gordon’s project involved planning, leading and organizing a community of volunteers to build a campsite for The Snoqualmie Falls Forest Theater in Fall City, which required110 hours of work plus159 volunteer hours from his troop!  

Congratulations to Liam Burke, too, who interned at OMAX last summer and was offered the opportunity to attend one of the country’s largest trade shows this week in Chicago, Illinois, courtesy of OMAX.  Liam and AHS alum/OMAX co-worker Navid Shafa are helping man the OMAX booth, accompanied by the Skunkworks’ competitive robot that led the team to the World Championships last spring.  Good job, Liam and Navid and thank you, OMAX!

Please read the Announcements section of the NOTAM for new opportunities.  My best to you for an inspiring week of learning!
  Honored to be your principal—Reba G.


Science Olympiad Information Sessions
Do you love science and technology?  Do you love working independently or in small groups?  Do you love really understanding things deeply or building things smartly?  Consider Science Olympiad!  Science Olympiad is a zero-hour class that prepares teams of students for local, regional, and state competitions in a wide range of events from astronomy to rocks, from anatomy to genetics, from robots to magnetically-levitating vehicles.  Join us every morning this week in Mr. McComb’s room (Room 6) at 8:00 a.m. to learn more about this amazing, challenging, and fun competition.
Monday:  Remote sensing, chemistry lab, water quality, write it / do it, towers / cantilevers
Tuesday:  Astronomy, anatomy, rocks & minerals, technical problem solving, Fermi questions, gravity vehicle
Wednesday: Thermodynamics, designer genes, dynamic planet, forensics, experimental design, robot arm
Thursday:  Materials science, forestry, circuit lab, mag-lev vehicle, elastic launch glider
See you there!

From the AHS PTSA—Opportunity for this Sunday!
Would you like to see Washington’s own NASA Astronaut Cady Coleman? How about Mars Mission Control “Mohawk Guy” Bobak Ferdowski? Even Lt. Uhura from the original Star Trek series is beaming aboard Seattle Center’s McCaw Hall stage this Sunday – and you can be there for just five bucks!

September 16th these celestial celebrities and more will constellate for the Pacific Northwest Ballet’s Celebrate Seattle event.  There will be a short film on the Curiosity’s landing on Mars last month, an orchestra playing selections from works like Holst’s “The Planets” and the theme from Back to the Future. (As well as the “stars” we’ve already mentioned.)

To grab this deal, you need five dollars and five minutes with a computer. The bargain tickets are for students who are members of Seattle’s TeenTix program – which offers five dollar admission to a smorgasbord of cultural events for people ages 13-19.  If you are not a member, registration is free and painless.

Go to: and sign up for TeenTix. Print out the Confirmation of Registration page – and be sure to bring it with you for Sunday’s event. You’ll get a key ring card in the mail (but not in time for this extravaganza).

The show starts at 6:00 p.m.  You’ll want to be there no later than 5:00 p.m. for best seats.  If parents want to go, too, tickets are available (at full price of $25).  We need to know if there are parents willing to carpool to and from the Seattle Center, as this is not a school-sponsored field trip. We’d love one brave adult to volunteer to act as point-person to collect and present registration confirmations and money to the McCaw Hall Box Office, so we’ll get seats together.

If you are interested in attending this astronomic extravaganza, please add your name to the list that is posted on the outside window of the Main Office.  You must do so by no later than Thursday, September 13th!  Parent volunteer Kim McGillivray will be coordinating the event so you can expect to hear from her prior to Sunday’s event.

On-Line Payment Options
Lunch/Breakfast money may be added to your student’s account at under the Lunch Menu tab using MealTime

Freshman Class Captain Election
Attention freshmen! Are you interested in being an ASB Freshman Class Captain? If you are, come to Mrs. Erdmann’s (Fitzpatrick) classroom (Room 22) during lunch on Monday, September 10th for an informational meeting.  There you will learn some of the requirements and the responsibilities required in a Class Captain. You will also be able to talk to our current members! Hope to see everyone there!

Speech and Debate: Attention students! Do you like arguing or talking? Need to improve you public speaking skills? Want to have fun? Speech and Debate wants you to join our team! On Wednesday September 12th from 3:35-5pm in room 3, Speech and Debate will be holding an informational meeting for anyone interested in becoming part of our team. Hope to see you there!

PNBAA Reminder
If you are interested, or are planning to attend the PNBAA Field Trip on Wednesday, September 19th, 4-6pm, your field trip forms are due by this Friday, September 14th!  Bus transportation is available for 50 students, first come first served – get your forms in quickly. See Ms. Pappas or Dr. Edgerton for more information about this exciting opportunity

Picture Make-up Day is September 19
Stevens Photography will be taking pictures in the gym on Wednesday, Sept 19 at 7:45 a.m. to accommodate zero hour schedules.

Blood Drive September 26
On Wednesday, September 26 there will be a Blood Drive in the gym from 9:00 – 3:00 p.m. –If you are interested in donating, sign up in the main office and remember: each time you donate you save three lives. New donors need a signed permission form if under 18. You must be 16 years or older and weigh over 110 pounds to participate.

Aviators’ Ball
AHS students, are you ready to show your spirit? On Thursday, September 27, there will be a pep assembly for Aviators’ Ball. There will be many class competitions and other fun activities which will allow everyone to show off his/her school spirit! Aviators’ Ball will be held on Saturday, October 6 from 8pm-11pm at Galvin Flying. THIS IS OUR FIRST EVER DANCE IN AN EXECUTIVE AIRACRAFT HANGAR!
Can't wait to see all of you there!

Spirit Shack
Students:  $5 Friday is opening this year at an even better location...Your School Cafeteria!  ASB will be selling AHS apparel every Friday during lunch. If you have an ASB card you will receive a 25% discount on all items! Bring your school ID to get the discount. Also, we are selling lanyards, water bottle, AHS tube socks, and T-Shirts for $5 Friday!

Is up and running!

“It felt like a place, not a conveyance.”
~Joe Sutter, describing the immense girth of the 747 airplane’s interior and how it made passengers feel comfortable.  Joe Sutter is known as the Father of the 747, having led its design while employed as a Boeing engineer.
(For an interesting read about this iconic aircraft and what the Museum of Flight is doing to restore #1, go to

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